






Chair of the Mathematics 部门, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences






的 部门 of Mathematics at 杰克逊维尔大学 invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the assistant professor 水平 starting in August 2024. A doctorate in applied mathematics, mathematics, physics, or a closely related 字段,在开始日期之前必须填写. 申请人应具备教学资格 both mathematics and physics courses at the university 水平, including courses in the 微积分序列 and calculus-based introductory physics courses. 成功的 candidate will hold a joint position in the 部门 of Mathematics and the 部门 化学与物理.

的 部门 of Mathematics and the 部门 化学与物理 are housed 在科学和数学学院. 数学系提供文学学士学位 and BS degrees in mathematics as well as a BS in data science in collaboration with 计算机科学系. 化学系和物理系提供 BA and BS degrees in chemistry, biochemistry and physics. 科学与科学学院 Mathematics is committed to providing an exceptional learning environment to a diverse undergraduate audience while using modern approaches to pedagogy and use of technology. 成功的 candidate will have a strong interest in undergraduate 教学 and mentorship and is expected to maintain an active research program, including undergraduate research, in addition to providing service to the department and university.

的 standard 教学 load is 24 credits per academic year and will be split evenly 在数学和物理课程之间. 教学负荷通常包括广泛的 低级和高级课程的范围. 这个职位的最低要求 is the ability to teach calculus-based introductory physics courses as well as Calculus 1和2. Opportunities for 教学 online and during winter and summer terms may 是可用的.


Most faculty positions do not have supervisory responsibilities.

Some may have supervisory responsibilities when the faculty member is serving in a Director or Associate Dean position for additional compensation and or release time. 这将在合同中注明.


  • 教授课程——典型的工作量是每年24学时
  • 从事研究/奖学金
  • 指导学生的研究项目
  • 监督学生实习
  • Participate in university service at the department, school, college, or university 水平


  • 的 ability to teach calculus-based introductory physics courses and courses in the 微积分序列
  • 的 ability to also teach upper-水平 Mathematics and Physics courses is preferred
  • 的 ability to incorporate technology into classroom 教学
  • 的 ability to supervise and conduct research and supervise student research in area 的专业知识
  • 的 ability to work with diverse students and small class sizes
  • Participation in departmental, school, college, or university service
  • 优秀的口头和书面表达能力
  • 时间管理和组织能力
  • 的 ability to work in a collaborative and cooperative manner

学历、证书、执照、 & 经验

  • Ph值.D. in Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, or a closely related field with 18 graduate 物理课程学分,或博士学位.D. 在物理学或与之密切相关的领域 18 graduate credits in Mathematics coursework, by the time of appointment in August 2024.


  • Manual dexterity to efficiently operate a computer keyboard and other business machines
  • Adequate hearing to communicate effectively in person and virtually
  • Near vision sufficient to read written communications and computer display screens
  • 每周24小时的教学耐力


This is not an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and/or skills required 对于这个职位. 的 University reserves the right to amend and change responsibilities 满足组织需求.

杰克逊维尔大学 supports the principle of diversity. 全球网络赌博平台鼓励申请 from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. 杰克逊维尔大学 雇主有平等的就业机会吗. 所有符合条件的申请人将被评估 for employment without regard to sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, protected veteran status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or any other protected characteristics under applicable Florida and Federal laws.

杰克逊维尔大学 is a comprehensive, liberal arts university located in 杰克逊维尔, FL a diverse metropolitan community with a thriving economic and cultural scene. 杰克逊维尔 国际 Airport provides easy access to US and international destinations. 的 College emphasizes innovative and quality 教学 in small classes, and ranks in the annual rankings of “America’s Best 大学,” released by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.  请 请浏览全球网络赌博平台的网页 02yz.indiedesignerfashionmarket.com.  


To apply, please submit the following materials to the posting on mathjobs.org(强烈 preferred) or send them to the Chair of the Mathematics 搜索 Committee at mathsearch@indiedesignerfashionmarket.com

  • Cover letter addressing qualifications and interest in working in a small, undergraduate 文科大学的教学系
  • 简历
  • 研究生成绩单(可接受非官方成绩单)
  • JU学院申请
  • 教学陈述(1-2页)
  • Research statement, including plans for potential undergraduate research projects
  • Diversity statement (optional); candidates may include a statement addressing their experiences and/or plans relating to 教学 and mentoring a diverse student body
  • At least three letters of recommendation, including at least one specifically addressing

    Review of applications will begin November 1, 2023, and continue until the position 都是.